The Changing Definition of Success

In this era, being educated is highly recommended for anyone because almost, if not the whole world is educated and you wouldn’t want to be the odd one out. On the other end,education is important for our own personal development. Imagine your parents not being able to take you to school only to grow up and realize how much opportunities you’re missing because of this.
I have a friend who tells me that it’s best to have the certificate and the knowledge than not have it and it’s true because bush never know when it might come in handy. Today, the world’s population is increasing drastically and there’s pressure everywhere. With the kind of competition out there for jobs and what have you, what would make you stand out in such instances? Everyone has that degree you claim to have, so what would make an employee or a client give you that contract or job over someone else? That’s where skills come in.
In Ghana, our whole schooling system has been majorly theoretical for most parts with no practical knowledge. With this, how are we expected to be effective when we go out there into the real world? This is why we are always advised to step out of our comfort zones to learn with our hands. One amazing thing about having a skill is that, no one can take it from you and it will always be useful to you, especially in todays world.
Even in the job market now, employers don’t look for qualifications anymore, they want someone who can do the work rather than someone who can talk with no show. Education is good, but knowing how to apply it is even better. They used to tell us education is the key to success but today, education is more like a step towards success depending on how you use it. We know people with pHDs who are sitting at home with no source of income. It’s not that they’re not good or anything. The problem is they are unable to adjust and fit into the current world. They don’t want to step out and do something out of the normal, thus, leaving them stuck in the same cycle.
The path where our world is leaning towards today is a very interesting one. But to be able to succeed in it, you’d need more than education. Now, the question is, how many of us will be able to navigate our way out? I guess only the curious ones will find out.

all images belong to me.

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